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+49 (0) 8331 850-172 or-175

Opening hours
May – October
Monday – Friday
10:00 – 17:00

10:00 – 13:00

November - April
Monday - Thursday
10:00 – 16:00

Friday & Saturday
10:00 – 13:00


  • Rain Volume: 0 mm
  • Clouds: 100 %
  • Pressure: 1009 hPa
  • Wind Speed: 6 m/s from West
  • Measure Timestamp: 25.04.2024 - 10:35
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Tourist Information Memmingen gewinnt ADAC-Tourismuspreis Bayern 2024

Die Tourist Information Memmingen gewinnt bei der Preisverleihung des ADAC-Tourismuspreises Bayern den 2. Platz. Ihr Projekt TIMO, das radelnde Tourist-Info Mobil, konnte sie sich gegen 33 Mitbewerber:innen behaupten. Mehr Informationen zum Projekt „TIMO“ unter Tourist-Info-Mobil

Bild: ADAC Nordbayern e.V.

Exactly mmy experience


Memmingen ist bunt − bunt wie ein Kaleidoskop! Das zeigt sich in allem, was Memmingen ausmacht. Ob farbenfrohe Häuserfassaden nebst moderner Architektur, prachtvolle Bauten neben einfachen Handwerkerquartieren oder ursprüngliche und restaurierte Tore, Türme und Mauern: Memmingens Altstadt überrascht.

City wall, gates and towers

Birthplace of civil rights Kramerzunft - Shopkeepers’ Guild

Churches and ecclesiastical buildings

Historical buildings and places


The picturesque river flows right through the Old Town, flanked by terraces, restaurants and cafés. Serving as a water source and drainage system until the 20th century. The site where Fishing Day is held.

Admire Memmingen's skyline

From May until the end of October, the parish office of St Martin offers daily guided tours of the tower of St Martin’s. A tour guide receives tower visitors daily at 3 pm by the tower staircase in Zangmeisterstraße, telling visitors interesting aspects of the tower history on the ascent up the stairs. A fabulous view awaits you at the top...even as far as the Alps on a clear day!

Medieval city with historical charm in the Allgäu

In 1525, a special story was written in Memmingen when rebellious peasants wrote down the "Twelve Articles" in the Kramer Guild. These articles are considered the first monument of German freedom and constitutional history.