Our cityportal
Our shops introduce themselves!

Colourful market hustle and bustle
A busy, bustling market and many open shops make a wonderful meeting place for strollers who want to shop, marvel and browse.

Our shopping area
Memmingen's shopping area is part of the historic town center and connects the former craftsmen's quarter with the patrician quarter. It starts in the south at Schrannenplatz, a modern meeting place with refreshing water features and the popular Fischerbrunnen fountain. The shopping area meanders leisurely through the picturesque city center and leads directly to the historic market square, the lively heart of the patrician quarter.
Der nächste öffentliche Termin
Memmingen blüht - Großer Einkaufs- und Familientag
Immer am Samstag vor Muttertag verwandelt sich die Memminger Innenstadt in einen bunten Frühlingsmarkt für Jung und Alt. mehr erfahren