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+49 (0) 8331 850-172 or-175

Opening hours
May – October
Monday – Friday
10:00 – 17:00

10:00 – 13:00

November - April
Monday - Thursday
10:00 – 16:00

Friday & Saturday
10:00 – 13:00


  • Rain Volume: 0 mm
  • Clouds: 0 %
  • Pressure: 1014 hPa
  • Wind Speed: 3 m/s from Southwest
  • Measure Timestamp: 27.07.2024 - 12:35
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Exactly mmy information


Wander around, enjoy and experience Memmingen’s historic old town. A stroll through the colourful city centre is an ideal way to discover Memmingen’s liveliness and variety.

You are always accompanied by history on your path - the pedestrian zone belongs to the heart of the old city and joins the former craftsmen’s and patrician quarters.

The Memminger pedestrian zone begins at Schrannenplatz to the south in the craftsmen’s quarter. This is a wide open space in contemporary style with water fountains and the much-loved "Fischerbrunne" - the fisherman's fountain. It takes a leisurely meander all the way north into the centre of the patrician quarter and ends at the historic marketplace. It’s the heart of the old town, also known as the “good parlour”. In the centre of town, the pedestrian zone shopping street crosses over the Weinmarkt with its guild houses and the 9 metre tall "Freiheitsbrunne" - the liberty fountain. The fountain’s 12 interlocking bronze tablets symbolize the 12 Articles, considered to be the first record of fundamental rights on German soil.

Don’t hesitate to take a detour into one of the side alleys. That way, you might discover one of the hidden cafés, or suddenly find yourself at the Stadtbach where you can take a break by the water. Cast a glance upwards from the display windows, and discover Memmingen’s beautiful house façades with magnificent murals and intricate corbels.

You can find out more here.

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Der nächste öffentliche Termin

31.08.2024 - 11:00 Uhr

Memminger Weinfest

Auch in diesem Jahr dürfen Sie sich auf gute und erlesene Weine und die dazu passenden Schmankerln aus verschiedenen Regionen freuen. mehr erfahren

Memminger Weinfest